Problem 13
Draw a unimodular triangulation of 4 times the unit tetrahedron. Draw the smooth tropical quartic surface that is dual to your triangulation.
In Polymake:
Substitute the first entry of each row such that each row sums up to 4
sub homogenize {
my $m = new Matrix<Rational>($_[0]);
for my $i (0..$m->rows-1){
$m->elem($i,0) = 4 - $m->elem($i,1) - $m->elem($i,2) - $m->elem($i,3);
return $m;
$s = simplex(3,4);
print $s->VERTICES;
$lattice_points = new Matrix($s->LATTICE_POINTS);
$pc = new PointConfiguration(POINTS=>$lattice_points);
$t = placing_triangulation($lattice_points);
$subdivision = new fan::SubdivisionOfPoints(POINTS=>$lattice_points,MAXIMAL_CELLS=>$t);
print is_regular($lattice_points, $t);
$weight = is_regular($lattice_points, $t)->[1];
application 'tropical';
$tropsurf = new Hypersurface<Min>(MONOMIALS=>homogenize($lattice_points), COEFFICIENTS=>$weight);