Truncated Tau Function
This page contains the code that takes as input the equation defining a hyperelliptic curve and returns the corresponding tau function, according to the Sato formulation. We follow the description in
If you want to run the code yourself, you may download the following file truncatedTau.txt
or the pdf file in which the output is also visualized: output1.pdf
#The following equations correspond in order to curves of genus 2,3,4. Uncomment the one you want to try out.
hyp := (x-1)*(x-1-e)*(x-2)*(x-2-e)*(x-3)*(x-3-e):
#hyp := (x + 1 + e)*(x + 1 + 2*e)*(e^2 + e + x + 1)*(e^2 + 2*e + x + 1)*(x + 2 + e)*(x + 2 + 2*e)*(e^2 + e + x + 2)*(e^2 + 2*e + x + 2):
#hyp := (x - 1)*(x - 1 - e)*(x - 2)*(x - 2 - e)*(x - 3)*(x - 3 - e)*(x - 4)*(x - 4 - e)*(x - 5)*(x - 5 - e):
M := 3: #this value determines the highest order of e appearing in the next calculation
N := 40:
d := degree(hyp, x):
x := 1/z:
y := expand(factor(hyp*z^d))^(1/2):
S := mtaylor(mtaylor(y, e, M), z, N + d/2):
n := d/2:
m := n - 1:
#define the array of the coefficients alpha_i
a := Array(0 ..N + n + m):
a[0] := 1:
for i to N + n do
a[i] := factor(coeff(S, z, i))
end do:
#define the array of the functions g_n,...,g_(N+n+m)
g := Array(1 ..N + n + m):
for i to N + n do
for j to i + n do
g[i + m] := alpha[j - 1]*x^(i + n - j) + g[i + n - 1]
end do:
end do:
#define the array of the functions f_n,...,f_(N+n+m)
f := Array(1 ..N + n + m):
for i to N + n do
f[i + m] := expand(factor(1/2*(x^(i + m)*y + g[i + m])*z^(i + m)))
end do:
#define the array with the series expansions of the functions 1,f_n,...,f_(N+n+m)
Cmatrix := Array(1 ..N + n + 1):
Cmatrix[1] := taylor(z^m, z, N):
for i to N + n do
Cmatrix[i + 1] := mtaylor(mtaylor(f[i + m], e, M), z, i + 1 + N + m)
end do:
#compute and display the matrix corresponding to the frame computed above
xi := (i, j) -> factor(coeff(Cmatrix[N + n + 2 - j], z, i - j)):
A := Matrix(2*(N + n), N + n + 1, xi);
numRows := 2*(N + n) + 1:
#compute the elementary Schur polynomials in three variables up to partitions of partLength
partLength := 8:
p = Array(1 ..partLength):
for i to partLength do
p[i] := 0
end do:
n1 := 0: n2 := 0: n3 := 0:
for i to partLength do
for n1 from 0 to i do
for n2 from 0 to i do
for n3 from 0 to i do
if n1 + 2*n2 + 3*n3 = i then
p[i] := p[i] + X^n1*Y^n2*T^n3/(n1!*n2!*n3!)
end if:
end do:
end do:
end do:
end do:
with(combinat, partition): with(ListTools):
partitions := FlattenOnce([seq(partition(j), j = 1 .. partLength)]):
h := numelems(partitions):
#compute the Maya diagrams corresponding to the partitions
Maya = Array(1 ..h):
for i to h do
r := numelems(partitions[I]):
Maya[i] := Array(1 ..r):
for j to r do
Maya[i][j] := partitions[i][r - j + 1] - j + N + 4
end do:
end do:
eqns := {e^4 = 0}:
tau := 0:
#compute the coordinates, the Schur polynomial for the non zero coordinates and the tau function
Coordinates = Array(1 ..h):
with(LinearAlgebra): with(ArrayTools): with(linalg):
for i to h do
r := numelems(Maya[i]):
increasingMaya := convert(FlipDimension(Maya[i], 2), list):
if Maya[i][1] < numCol then
Coordinates[i] := simplify(Determinant(SubMatrix(A, increasingMaya, [N + n + 1 - r + 1 .. N + n + 1])), eqns):
Coordinates[i] := 0:
end if:
if Coordinates[i] <> 0 then
l := Array(1 ..r):
v := Vector(1 ..r):
for k to r do
l[k] := partitions[i][k] + k - 1:
v[k] := p[l[k]]:
end do:
Wr := wronskian(v, X):
schur := det(Wr):
tau := schur*Coordinates[i] + tau:
end if:
end do:
#this part of the code plugs tau function into the Hirota bilinear form
t := (X, Y, T) -> tau:
taux := diff(t(X, Y, T), X):
tauxx := diff(taux, X):
tauxxx := diff(tau;xx`, X):
tauxxxx := diff(tau;xxx`, X):
taut :=diff(t(X, Y, T), T):
tauxt := diff(tau;x`, T):
tauy := diff(t(X, Y, T), Y):
tauyy := diff(tau;y`, Y):
Hirota := simplify(tauxxxx*tau - 4*tauxxx*taux + 3*tauxx^2 + 4*(taut*taux-tauxt*tau) + 3*(-tauy^2 +tauyy*tau), eqns);