Computing Dimensions

This page contains the code we used to compute dimensions of \(\sigma_r(\mathcal{M}_{n,d})\) and \(\sigma_r(\mathcal{M}_{n,\lambda})\). We implemented three different approaches to computing these dimesnions: by computing the Jacobian matrix directly, by using the Terracini lemma, and via the \(\verb|Macaulay2|\) package “NumericalImplicitization”.

The below code uses the first approach for \(\sigma_r(\mathcal{M}_{n,d})\).

--for the variety (r,n,d)
r=2; n=5; d=2; --these parameters will be changed depending on moment variety
las=compositions(n, d); len=length(las); L={};
for i from 0 to len-1 do L=append(L,m_(las_i)); R=QQ[L]

--define parameters:
S=QQ[toList(x_(1,1,1) ..< y_(r+1,n+1,d+1))]

--create parametrization for the secant variety:
M=apply(toList({0..length(L)-1}_0), i->0);
for k from 1 to r do
{Mx={}; for i from 0 to len-1 do (prod=1; for j from 0 to n-1 do
(if las_i_j!=0 then prod=prod*x_(k,j+1,las_i_j);); Mx=append(Mx,prod););

--form the Jacobian:
nums={}; nums=apply(length(generators(S)), i -> random(1,100));

--rank of this Jacobian matrix will be one more than the projective dimension of the variety:
rank A

--if terminates, the below will give the implicit description of the moment variety:
I=ker f;

For the variety \(\sigma_r(\mathcal{M}_{n,\lambda})\), replace the first 5 lines of the code above with:

--for the variety (r,n,lambda)
r=2; n=5; d=2; --vary as needed
la={1,1,0,0,0}; --vary the partition as needed
las=toList(set(permutations(la))); len=length(las); L={};
for i from 0 to len-1 do L=append(L,m_(las_i)); R=QQ[L];

For large values of \(r\), it is more efficient to use the Terracini lemma to compute the Jacobian. The below code implements this approach.

r=2; n=5; d=4;
las=compositions(n, d); len=length(las); L={};
for i from 0 to len-1 do L=append(L,m_(las_i)); R=QQ[L]

--first, assume r=1:
S=QQ[toList(x_(1,1) ..< y_(n+1,d+1))]
M={}; for i from 0 to len-1 do (prod=1; for j from 0 to n-1 do
(if las_i_j!=0 then prod=prod*x_(j+1,las_i_j););

nums={}; nums=apply(length(generators(S)), i -> random(1,100));
toNums=map(QQ,S,nums); J=jacobian(ideal(M));
rank A

--now adjust r and compute the true Jacobian:
for k from 1 to r-1 do
 nums={}; nums=apply(length(generators(S)), i -> random(1,100));

--rank of this matrix will be one more than the projective dimension of the variety:
rank A

Finally, the below code implements the “NumericalImplicitization” approach, along with some examples.
