Decomposing Tensor Spaces via Path Signatures

This notebook contains code accompanying the paper:
Carlos Améndola, Francesco Galuppi, Ángel David Ríos Ortiz, Pierpaola Santarsiero, Tim Seynnaeve. Decomposing tensor spaces via path signatures
In: Journal of pure and applied algebra, 229 (2025) 1, 107807

ABSTRACT: The signature of a path is a sequence of tensors whose entries are iterated integrals, playing a key role in stochastic analysis and applications. The set of all signature tensors at a particular level gives rise to the universal signature variety. We show that the parametrization of this variety induces a natural decomposition of tensor spaces via representation theory, and connect this to the study of path invariants. We also examine the question of determining what is the tensor rank of a signature tensor.

The first three pages are based on Jupyter notebooks in SageMath which can be downloaded here:

Project page created: 22/08/2023

Project contributors: Carlos Améndola, Francesco Galuppi, Ángel David Ríos Ortiz, Pierpaola Santarsiero, Tim Seynnaeve

Corresponding author of this page: Tim Seynnaeve,

Software used: SageMath (Version 9.5), Macaulay2 (Version 1.21)

License for code of this project page: MIT License (

License for all other content of this project page: CC BY 4.0 (

Last updated 23/08/2023.