Introduction to Toric Geometry

Chiara Meroni ~ March 4, 2022

This notebook provides auxiliary code to the text “Introduction to Toric Geometry” by Simon Telen

For installation instructions and documentation see

The examples are numbered as in the text.

using Pkg
using Oscar
 -----    -----    -----      -      -----
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 -----    -----    -----   -     -  -     -

...combining (and extending) ANTIC, GAP, Polymake and Singular
Version 0.8.1 ...
 ... which comes with absolutely no warranty whatsoever
Type: '?Oscar' for more information
(c) 2019-2022 by The Oscar Development Team
    Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General.toml`
   Resolving package versions...
  No Changes to `~/Documents/git/mathrepo_website/mathrepo/source/ToricGeometry/Project.toml`
  No Changes to `~/Documents/git/mathrepo_website/mathrepo/source/ToricGeometry/Manifest.toml`

Section 2

Example* 2.24

We have the following matrix

A = [2 2 1 0 0 1 1; 1 0 0 1 2 2 1; 0 1 2 2 1 0 1]
3×7 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  2  1  0  0  1  1
 1  0  0  1  2  2  1
 0  1  2  2  1  0  1

To compute the binomial ideal of the associated toric variety we do the following:

I = toric_ideal(transpose(A))
ideal(x4*x6 - x5*x7, x3*x6 - x7^2, -x1*x7 + x2*x6, x3*x5 - x4*x7, x2*x5 - x7^2, x1*x5 - x6*x7, x2*x4 - x3*x7, x1*x4 - x7^2, x1*x3 - x2*x7)

Example* 2.40

We show here how to work with cones. We first define a cone \(\sigma\).

σ = positive_hull([0 1;1 2;2 1])
A polyhedral cone in ambient dimension 2

We can then compute its dual cone, its facets, its rays, its dimension.

σ_dual = polarize(σ)
facets_σ = facets(σ)
rays_σ = rays(σ)
dimσ = dim(σ)

Example* 2.47

We consider the cone \(\sigma\) from Example* 2.40 and compute the embedding of the associated normal affine toric variety \(U_\sigma\). We do it by computing the Hilbert basis of the dual cone σ_dual.

H = hilbert_basis(σ_dual)
3-element SubObjectIterator{PointVector{Polymake.Integer}}:
 [1, 0]
 [-1, 2]
 [0, 1]

From the Hilbert basis we can then compute for instance the toric ideal of \(U_\sigma\).

I = toric_ideal(H)
ideal(-x1*x2 + x3^2)

Otherwise, to get the toric variety \(U_\sigma\) as an abstract variety, for then studying its dimension or smoothness, we can use the following command.

U_σ = AffineNormalToricVariety(σ)
A normal, affine toric variety

And we can then check some properties.


Example* 2.58

We now consider a different cone \(\sigma\subset\mathbb{R}^3\).

σ = positive_hull([1 2 3; 2 1 3; 3 2 1; 2 3 1; 1 3 2; 3 1 2])
σ_dual = polarize(σ)
A polyhedral cone in ambient dimension 3

What is the smallest integer \(p\) such that the toric variety \(U_\sigma\) can be embedded in \(\mathbb{C}^p\)? Such number can be characterized as the number of generators of a Hilbert basis associated to \(\sigma^\vee\).

σ_hilbert = hilbert_basis(σ_dual)
15-element SubObjectIterator{PointVector{Polymake.Integer}}:
 [1, 0, 0]
 [-1, 5, -1]
 [-1, 3, 0]
 [5, -1, -1]
 [0, 1, 0]
 [1, 1, -1]
 [0, 3, -1]
 [-1, 1, 1]
 [0, 0, 1]
 [-1, -1, 5]
 [1, -1, 1]
 [3, -1, 0]
 [3, 0, -1]
 [0, -1, 3]
 [-1, 0, 3]

The answer is therefore \(p=15\). We obtain the associated toric ideal in @time toric_ideal(Y) seconds:

U_σ = AffineNormalToricVariety(σ)
A normal, affine toric variety
@time I = toric_ideal(U_σ)
  0.002283 seconds (15.01 k allocations: 404.906 KiB)
ideal(-x1^4 + x4*x8, -x1^3 + x9*x13, -x1^3 + x5*x12, -x1^3*x6^2 + x4*x7, -x1^3*x9*x11 + x4*x15, -x1^3*x11^2 + x4*x14, -x1^3*x11*x14 + x4*x10, -x1^3*x5*x6 + x3*x4, -x1^3*x6*x7 + x2*x4, -x1^2*x5*x6 + x7*x12, -x1^2*x5 + x8*x13, -x1^2*x8*x11 + x13*x15, -x1^2*x9*x11 + x13*x14, -x1^2*x9*x14 + x10*x13, -x1^2*x14 + x12*x15, -x1^2*x11 + x9*x12, -x1^2*x9 + x8*x12, -x1^2*x8^2 + x7*x14, -x1^2 + x6*x11, -x1^2*x6 + x5*x13, -x1^2*x12 + x4*x9, -x1^2*x13 + x4*x5, -x1^2*x5^2 + x3*x12, -x1^2*x7 + x3*x13, -x1^2*x3*x6 + x2*x12, -x1^2*x8^4 + x2*x10, -x1*x2 + x3*x5*x6, -x1*x3 + x7*x9, -x1*x3 + x5^3, -x1*x4 + x12*x13, -x1*x5^2 + x7*x11, -x1*x5*x6^2 + x7*x13, -x1*x5*x8^2 + x7*x15, -x1*x5*x8*x15 + x7*x10, -x1*x5 + x6*x9, -x1*x9*x11^2 + x12*x14, -x1*x9*x11*x14 + x10*x12, -x1*x12 + x11*x13, -x1*x10 + x8*x11*x14, -x1*x14 + x8*x11^2, -x1*x15 + x8*x9*x11, -x1*x8*x9 + x6*x15, -x1*x8*x11 + x6*x14, -x1*x8*x14 + x6*x10, -x1*x13 + x6*x12, -x1*x8 + x5*x9, -x1*x9 + x5*x11, -x1*x15 + x5*x14, -x1*x8^2*x9 + x5^2*x15, -x1*x8^2*x14 + x5^2*x10, -x1*x7 + x5^2*x6, -x1*x5*x8 + x3*x11, -x1*x8^3 + x3*x15, -x1*x8^2*x9 + x3*x14, -x1*x8^2*x15 + x3*x10, -x1*x3*x5 + x2*x11, -x1*x3*x6^2 + x2*x13, -x1*x3*x8^2 + x2*x15, -x1*x3*x8*x9 + x2*x14, -x2*x6 + x7^2, -x2*x5 + x3*x7, -x2*x9 + x3*x5^2, -x2*x8 + x3^2, -x3*x5 + x7*x8, -x3*x6 + x5*x7, -x3*x9 + x5^2*x8, -x4*x6 + x13^2, -x4*x11 + x12^2, -x5^2 + x6*x8, -x5*x10 + x8*x9*x14, -x5*x15 + x8^2*x11, -x8*x10 + x15^2, -x8*x14 + x9*x15, -x8*x11 + x9^2, -x9*x10 + x14*x15, -x9*x14 + x11*x15, -x10*x11 + x14^2)
77-element Vector{fmpq_mpoly}:
 -x1^4 + x4*x8
 -x1^3 + x9*x13
 -x1^3 + x5*x12
 -x1^3*x6^2 + x4*x7
 -x1^3*x9*x11 + x4*x15
 -x1^3*x11^2 + x4*x14
 -x1^3*x11*x14 + x4*x10
 -x1^3*x5*x6 + x3*x4
 -x1^3*x6*x7 + x2*x4
 -x1^2*x5*x6 + x7*x12
 -x1^2*x5 + x8*x13
 -x1^2*x8*x11 + x13*x15
 -x1^2*x9*x11 + x13*x14
 -x3*x9 + x5^2*x8
 -x4*x6 + x13^2
 -x4*x11 + x12^2
 -x5^2 + x6*x8
 -x5*x10 + x8*x9*x14
 -x5*x15 + x8^2*x11
 -x8*x10 + x15^2
 -x8*x14 + x9*x15
 -x8*x11 + x9^2
 -x9*x10 + x14*x15
 -x9*x14 + x11*x15
 -x10*x11 + x14^2

Section 3

Example* 3.25

Consider a polytope \(P\).

P = convex_hull([0 0; 1 0; 0 1; 2 1; 1 2])
A polyhedron in ambient dimension 2
dim(P), length(vertices(P)), length(facets(P))
(2, 5, 5)

We want to compute its Ehrhart polynomial.

E_P = ehrhart_polynomial(P)
$5//2x^{2} + 5//2x + 1$

Example* 3.29

This example regards Kushnirenko’s Theorem (Theorem 3.1 in the notes). We consider the polytope \(P\subset \mathbb{R}^2\) from the previous example and check that

\[2\cdot\text{vol}(P) = \text{degree}(X_{\mathscr{A}}).\]

Here \(X_{\mathscr{A}}\) denotes the toric surface associated to the set \(\mathscr{A}\) whose convex hull is \(P\).

A = [0 0; 1 0; 0 1; 2 1; 1 2]
P = convex_hull(A)
A polyhedron in ambient dimension 2
V = 2*volume(P)

We use Corollary 3.2 in the notes to verify the statement. The second line in the code below is to avoid ambiguities with the command solve in Oscar.jl.

using HomotopyContinuation
solve = HomotopyContinuation.solve
solve (generic function with 9 methods)
@var t[1:2]
monomials = [prod(t.^transpose(A)[:,i]) for i = 1:5]
coeffs = [randn(5) for i = 1:2]
f = [dot(coeffs[i],monomials) for i = 1:2]
2-element Vector{Expression}:
 0.670834357300711 - 1.84995014545632*t₁ - 0.970451966318485*t₂ + 2.53906268972251*t₂*t₁^2 + 0.24712986535149*t₂^2*t₁
 1.33971230052044 - 1.45714877010853*t₁ + 2.76166434414561*t₂ + 0.220622723359913*t₂*t₁^2 - 0.786317734708661*t₂^2*t₁
sols = solve(f)
Tracking 5 paths... 100%|███████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:10
  # paths tracked:                  5
  # non-singular solutions (real):  5 (5)
  # singular endpoints (real):      0 (0)
  # total solutions (real):         5 (5)
Result with 5 solutions
• 5 paths tracked
• 5 non-singular solutions (5 real)
• random_seed: 0x4a45e277
• start_system: :polyhedral

V == nnonsingular(sols)

Alternatively, we can construct \(X_{\mathscr{A}}\) and compute its toric ideal. This is a projective surface in \(\mathbb{P}^4\).

 = hcat(A,ones(5))
I = toric_ideal(Â)
ideal(-x2*x5 + x3*x4, -x1^2*x5 + x2*x3^2, -x1^2*x4 + x2^2*x3, x1^2*x4^2 - x2^3*x5)

In order to compute its degree we intersect it with two random linear spaces and use HomotopyContinuation.jl to compute the points of intersection.

@var x[1:5]
systemA = System([x[3]*x[4]-x[2]*x[5];
                  dot(coeffs[1],x); dot(coeffs[2],x)])
System of length 6
 5 variables: x₁, x₂, x₃, x₄, x₅

 x₄*x₃ - x₅*x₂
 x₂*x₃^2 - x₅*x₁^2
 x₂^2*x₃ - x₄*x₁^2
 x₄^2*x₁^2 - x₅*x₂^3
 0.670834357300711*x₁ - 1.84995014545632*x₂ - 0.970451966318485*x₃ + 2.53906268972251*x₄ + 0.24712986535149*x₅
 1.33971230052044*x₁ - 1.45714877010853*x₂ + 2.76166434414561*x₃ + 0.220622723359913*x₄ - 0.786317734708661*x₅
intersection_pointsA = HomotopyContinuation.solve(systemA)
Tracking 38 paths... 100%|██████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:03
  # paths tracked:                  38
  # non-singular solutions (real):  5 (0)
  # singular endpoints (real):      0 (0)
  # total solutions (real):         5 (0)
Result with 5 solutions
• 38 paths tracked
• 5 non-singular solutions (0 real)
• 21 excess solutions
• random_seed: 0x22368dc7
• start_system: :polyhedral

We can see that the number of intersection points coincides with the lattice volume of the polytope.

V == nnonsingular(intersection_pointsA)

What happens if we remove the origin?

Our new polytope \(Q\) does not satisfy the hypotheses of Kushnirenko’s Theorem; indeed, we can check that the statement is not true in this setting.

B = [1 0; 0 1; 2 1; 1 2]
Q = convex_hull(B)
A polyhedron in ambient dimension 2
VV = 2*volume(Q)

We construct now the projective toric variety associated to \(Q\).

 = hcat(B,ones(4))
J = toric_ideal()
ideal(x1*x4 - x2*x3)
@var x[1:4]
systemB = System([x[1]*x[4]-x[2]*x[3];
                  dot(randn(4),x); dot(randn(4),x)])
System of length 3
 4 variables: x₁, x₂, x₃, x₄

 -x₂*x₃ + x₄*x₁
 -1.79653649460657*x₁ + 2.66499103944441*x₂ + 0.941303310780985*x₃ + 0.345953420794041*x₄
 -1.07124612109659*x₁ - 0.82694720327857*x₂ - 0.0361493797245357*x₃ - 1.1030689331341*x₄
intersection_pointsB = HomotopyContinuation.solve(systemB)
Result with 2 solutions
• 2 paths tracked
• 2 non-singular solutions (0 real)
• random_seed: 0x04d14d25
• start_system: :polyhedral

With the following command we check that the volume of \(Q\) does not coincide with the degree of the associated projective toric variety.

VV == nnonsingular(intersection_pointsB)

Example* 3.46

Consider the polytope \(P\) from Example* 3.25. We can compute its normal fan as follows.

P = convex_hull([0 0; 1 0; 0 1; 2 1; 1 2])
Σ = normal_fan(P)
A polyhedral fan in ambient dimension 2
5-element SubObjectIterator{RayVector{Polymake.Rational}}:
 [1, 0]
 [0, 1]
 [1, -1]
 [-1, -1]
 [-1, 1]

We can ask whether the normal fan of \(P\) is smooth.


Example* 3.50

Consider the following polytope \(P\) and compute the associated projective toric variety.

P = convex_hull([0 0; 3 -1; 2 2; 1 2])
A polyhedron in ambient dimension 2
X = NormalToricVariety(P)
A normal toric variety
A = hcat([vcat(p,1) for p  lattice_points(P)]...)
3×8 Matrix{Polymake.Integer}:
 0  1  1  1  2  2  2   3
 0  0  1  2  0  1  2  -1
 1  1  1  1  1  1  1   1

As we saw in previous examples, the Hilbert basis gives an embedding of the toric variety \(X\) in \(\mathbb{C}^8\). Since polygons are normal, \(X\) is projectively normal, and we can actually embed it in \(\mathbb{P}^7\).

I = toric_ideal(transpose(A))
ideal(-x5*x7 + x6^2, -x4*x8 + x5*x6, -x3*x7 + x4*x6, -x2*x7 + x3*x6, -x3*x8 + x5^2, -x2*x7 + x4*x5, -x2*x6 + x3*x5, -x1*x7 + x2*x4, -x1*x7 + x3^2, -x1*x6 + x2*x3, -x1*x5 + x2^2, x2*x6*x7 - x4^2*x8, x2*x5*x7 - x3*x4*x8, x1*x6*x7^2 - x4^3*x8, x1*x5*x7^2 - x3*x4^2*x8, x1*x3*x7^3 - x4^4*x8, x1*x2*x7^3 - x3*x4^3*x8, x1^2*x7^4 - x3*x4^4*x8)

We can compute the affine open covering of \(X\) associated to the vertices of \(P\).

cover = affine_open_covering(X)
4-element Vector{AffineNormalToricVariety}:
 A normal, affine toric variety
 A normal, affine toric variety
 A normal, affine toric variety
 A normal, affine toric variety

In particular \(U_i\) is the affine chart coming from the vertex \((0,0)\) and \(U_j\) is the one coming from the vertex \((3,-1)\).

U_i = cover[1]
U_j = cover[2]
A normal, affine toric variety

Example* 3.53

We study in this example permutohedra and the associated toric varieties. In order to define a permutohedron, we need to use Polymake.jl. We start by analyzing the permutohedron \(P \subset \mathbb{R}^4\) which is three-dimensional. Hence, we project it onto an appropriate hyperplane.

using Polymake
PP = Polyhedron(polytope.permutahedron(3))
P = project_full(PP)
A polyhedron in ambient dimension 3

The associated toric variety is smooth and projectively normal, since the polytope \(P\) is smooth and normal, as we can see using the following commands.

X = NormalToricVariety(P)
[issmooth(P), isnormal(P), issmooth(X), isnormal(X)]
4-element Vector{Bool}:

We compute the Hilbert function of \(X\). Because the variety is projectively normal, the Hilbert polynomial coincides with the Ehrhart polynomial of \(P\).

E_P = ehrhart_polynomial(P)
$16x^{3} + 15x^{2} + 6x + 1$

Section 4

Example* 4.18

Consider the complete fan \(\Sigma\) in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) whose rays have generators \(\rho_1 = (1,2), \rho_2 = (1,0), \rho_3 = (-3,-2), \rho_4 = (0,1)\). This is the normal fan of a polytope \(P\).

P = convex_hull([0 15; 0 1; 2 0; 10 0])
Σ = normal_fan(P)
A polyhedral fan in ambient dimension 2

Because the polytope \(P\) is normal, the affine cone over the projective variety \(X_\Sigma\) associated to \(\Sigma\) coincides with the affine variety associated to the cone \(\text{cone}(PP)\subset \mathbb{R}^3\), where \(PP\) is \(P\) placed at height \(1\) in \(\mathbb{R}^3\).

89-element SubObjectIterator{PointVector{Polymake.Integer}}:
 [2, 0]
 [0, 15]
 [0, 1]
 [0, 14]
 [1, 1]
 [1, 13]
 [0, 2]
 [3, 0]
 [2, 1]
 [1, 2]
 [4, 0]
 [3, 1]
 [0, 3]
 [2, 9]
 [4, 8]
 [1, 10]
 [3, 9]
 [0, 11]
 [1, 12]
 [2, 10]
 [4, 9]
 [1, 11]
 [3, 10]
 [0, 12]
 [2, 11]

Since \(P\) has \(89\) lattice points, we can embedd \(\text{cone}(X_\Sigma)\) in \(\mathbb{C}^{89}\) and therefore \(X_\Sigma \subset \mathbb{P}^{88}\).

X_Σ = NormalToricVariety(Σ)
A normal toric variety

This variety can be covered by \(4\) affine pieces, only one of which is smooth.

cover = affine_open_covering(X_Σ)
[issmooth(U) for U in cover]
4-element Vector{Bool}:
2-element SubObjectIterator{RayVector{Polymake.Rational}}:
 [1, 2]
 [0, 1]

To compute for instance the change of coordinates between \(U_{12}\) and \(U_{23}\) we need to compute the Hilbert bases of the associated cones.

U12 = cover[2]
U23 = cover[1]
A normal, affine, non-smooth toric variety
H12 = hilbert_basis(polarize(cone(U12)))
H23 = hilbert_basis(polarize(cone(U23)))
PointVector{Polymake.Integer}[[1, 0], [0, 1], [2, -1]]
PointVector{Polymake.Integer}[[2, -3], [1, -2], [0, -1]]

They provide the embeddings \(U_{ij}\subset \mathbb{C}^3\) and the change of coordinates

\[(a,b,c)\mapsto \left( \frac{1}{a}, \frac{b}{a^2}, \frac{b^2}{a^3} \right) = \left( \frac{1}{a}, \frac{b}{a^2}, \frac{c}{a^2} \right).\]

Section 5

Example* 5.20

We can compute in Oscar.jl the class group of a toric variety as follows.

P = convex_hull([0 15; 0 1; 2 0; 10 0])
Σ = normal_fan(P)
X_Σ = NormalToricVariety(Σ)
A normal toric variety
Cl = class_group(X_Σ)
$\text{Abelian Group with Invariants: }Z^2$

Example* 5.23

We want to consider two distinct cones and compare the class group and the Picard group of the associated toric varieties.

Σ = positive_hull([-1 -2; 1 0])
A polyhedral cone in ambient dimension 2
ΣΣ = PolyhedralFan([-1 -2; 1 0],IncidenceMatrix([[1],[2]]))
A polyhedral fan in ambient dimension 2
X_Σ = NormalToricVariety(Σ)
X_ΣΣ = NormalToricVariety(ΣΣ)
A normal toric variety
[issmooth(X_Σ), issmooth(X_ΣΣ)]
2-element Vector{Bool}:

Since \(X_{\hat{\Sigma}}\) is smooth, we deduce that its class group coincides with its Picard group. On the other hand, they are different for \(X_\Sigma\): because \(\Sigma\) has a full dimensional cone, the Picard group is trivial. Moreover \(\Sigma\) and \(\hat{\Sigma}\) have the same set of rays, therefore their class groups coincide.

We can verify all these statements by computing the groups as follows.

Pic1 = picard_group(X_Σ)
Pic2 = picard_group(X_ΣΣ)
Cl1 = class_group(X_Σ)
Cl2 = class_group(X_ΣΣ)
Pic1, Cl1, Pic2, Cl2
(GrpAb: Z/1, GrpAb: Z/2, GrpAb: Z/2, GrpAb: Z/2)

Example* 5.27

We consider again the fan from Example* 4.18.

ρ1 = [1 2]
ρ2 = [1 0]
ρ3 = [-3 -2]
ρ4 = [0 1]
Rays = [ρ1; ρ2; ρ3; ρ4]
IM = IncidenceMatrix([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[1,4]])
Σ = PolyhedralFan(Rays,IM)
X_Σ = NormalToricVariety(Σ)
A normal toric variety

We construct the divisor \(D_3\) associated to the ray \(\rho_3\).

D3 = ToricDivisor(X_Σ, [0,0,1,0])
A torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety

This is not a Cartier divisor, but since \(\Sigma\) is simplicial, there exists an integer \(\ell > 0\) such that \(\ell \cdot D_3\) is simplicial. We can compute it as follows.

i = 0
 = 1
while i < 1
    DD = iscartier(ToricDivisor(X_Σ, [0,0,,0]))
    if DD == false
        global  += 1
        print("ℓ = ", )
        i = 1
ℓ = 6